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My Story

Get to know me

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I found out at an early age (10ish) that not everything was ok..

I had severe stomach cramps, unbelievable bloating, always had to be sure a bathroom was near after every meal.

Terrible periods that would last 20-25 days, 3-8 days off. Spent my first few days in bed or lived with a full bottle of advil every single month. 

I had ZERO energy (to no ones surprise)

We went from one doctor to the next, from blood work to every Xray in the book, from birth controls to surgeries.

I was told to get my ovaries removed  (couldn't afford it) or I was going to develop cancer. Kids weren't going to be in my future anyway....


Well.... Hello. My name is Eva Rempel. I am a wife and a mother of 3 beautiful little girls & an angel baby that sits with Jesus.


Welcome to my life!!!

I did a ton of case studying, and small beginner courses, until I finally took the plunge and signed up at Nutritional Therapy Association. I graduated in November of 2022. I fell in love to say the least, and as long as I live I am going to continue my education. So I can continue to help educate others.

In 2023 I went to school to become a Functional Blood Chemistry Specialist, and was taught in depth how certain things can throw other markers off and realized quickly just how much can be over looked by just getting a basic blood panel.


In the summer of 2023 I started offering hair analyzing.


In 2024 I got certified in midlife hormone 

that includes working along side of HRT for those that are interested in that route.


In the summer of 2024 I went back to Nutritional Therapy association to get certified in LNT.

LNT is a hands on process where you can use pressure points to see how your body reacts to certain supplements. Often high quality supplements that worked for your best friend, doesn't mean they will work for you.


"Further education is always coming soon"



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